Tuesday 21 January 2014

Rough version of Four Lions sequel dialogue

context: Boy buys a prayer mat. Is praying when mum and dad come home.

Mum- Hello darling, we've just come back fron sainsburys, i got you those percy pigs you like, you know the little pigs faces.

Boy- I have already told you, I will not eat those pigs, swine is sacred to Allah.

Mum- Fine....I'll put them in the cupboard then.

Dad walks in and puts his feet on prayer mat

Boy- Get your feet off my sacred rug. You are tempting the eyes of fate in a way that Allah punishes.

Dad- Oh sorry mate, thats an awful rug. Looks like Aladdin uses it as a flying carpet.

Mum- You didnt buy that did you? It doesnt go with the room at all.

Boy- It is not an thing to look at, it is a item of faith.

Dad- (Chuckles) alright.

The dad reaches into the bag and pulls out a beer. He opens it

Boy- (offended) put the beer away. It is a sin in this house to consume alcahol.

Dad- What? It's my house?

Boy- For Allahs sake! You are impossible! you are doomed to Camelus's and his treatment of the unholy and tainted.

Boy runs upstairs, mum and dad follow him to the bottom of the stairs.

Mum- awwh. He must be upset about his little girlfriend. Carma or whatever he said her name was.

Dad- Yeah.

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