Monday 28 April 2014

Thesis Statements

7- The  factors that led to the decline of town and city centre cinemas in the late 1970's were the rise of the blockbuster, which turned into social events for people to go to, the increased popularity in merchandise and marketing of films and the rise of multiplexes replacing the single screen city centre cinema. These factors made the multiplexes situated in shopping centres more popular than town and city centre cinemas.

8- The concerns that motivated fears about audiences and technologies were the BBFC introduced age ratings on video home releases to restrict objectionable content, they censored and banned certain horror films, deemed video nasties, they feared that objectional content would inspire copycat behaviours in audiences raising the crime rate for the 1980's conservative government and that the sale of illegal video nasties and pirated films helped VHS win the 'Format wars' against Betamax. 

9- I strongly agree with the statement. The reasoning for my agreement with the statement is that the digital cinema network is that it opens up audiences to a wider range of films available in multiplexes, with independent, foreign and classic films being shown along with blockbusters which would greatly improve the public's film literacy, the use of digital distribution is economically better for film studios who instead of spending money on expensive film reel can now record it all on tape, allowing more money to be spent on the production of the film. Finally, film attendance has risen since the introduction of the Digital Cinema Network, with more people watching a more appealing variety of films, which puts money back into the film industry.

10- Internet piracy poses a significant economic loss to the current structure of the film industry but in the future, the structure of films and the industry will adapt and change to stabilize itself. My reasoning for this is that the film industry is already trying to stop internet piracy from the widespread usage of 3D cinema making piracy ineffective. This means that the film industry gains some of its money back by 3D cinematic blockbusters so it is good for the cinema economically. However socially, the films themselves change with the over use of action scenes in 3D films making the audience prefer independent films with A-list actors. This means that the film industry can only change by re-inventing itself to change the structure of the blockbuster with less emphasis on marketing , merchandise and action and more emphasis on narrative, plot and effects.

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