Monday 28 October 2013

Representation in V for Vendetta

What significant examples of gender roles (mother/father/strength/power) are in the characters?

Mother roles
Evey- After V dies, Evey becomes the head of the revolution and assumes an motherly figure, with her role in the revolution to look after everyone as she is the leader.
Delia Surridge- She is the scientist who operated on V and made him a super soldier. V kills her later in the film. Her work on changing V's body and making him different implies an sort of maternal relationship between her and V.

Father Roles
V- V is an father figure for Evey. He looks after her and protects her from the fingerman who attack her at the beginning of the film. He also helps her overcome her fear of death and convinces her to take part in the rebellion. By protecting her like this and teaching her views and life lessons that he feels is important, he assumes the role of a paternal figure.
Gordon Dietrich- Dietrich can also be considered an father figure for Evey. He lets her into his secret life, showing that he trusts her. He also sacrifices himself for her, giving him a tragic role in Eveys life. His sacrifice is important to protect Evey from the police.
Adam Sutler- Sutler is the head of the oppressive government in V for Vendetta. He controls all aspects of life in Britain. He can be considered as an very strict and stern father figure who is dominant over everyone in his control.

V- V is strong and powerful because he has been genetically modified to be strong and is a very charismatic and manipulative person. He shows power over people with his skill of persuasion and his passion to overthrow the government. His lack of remorse and his willingness to kill people also shows a sense of power.
Adam Sutler- Sutler's regime and oppressive government gives him power and strength over every aspect of normal life under his governments rule. This role of power and strength is a crucial aspect of the stories narrative.

How does the film uses its stock characters?
The film uses traditional film stock characters and utilizes them for two conflicting sides by using opposite roles to conflict with each other. For example, V has characteristics of an superhero,an anti hero and a supersoldier whilst the antagonist, Adam Sutler is a supervillain, and an rake. These descriptions of these stock characters are opposites of each other, which provides conflict between the two sides. The conflict builds the core structure of the narrative and allows messages and values to be put into the film alongside these.

How does the film represent Dystopia Britain as a nation and does it follow film stereotypes?
The film represents Dystopia Britain as an one man government. Adam Sutler controls every aspect of everyday life, with him placing curfews and assigning a secret police (The Fingermen) to supervise British citizens and ensure that there is no homosexuality that could, in his view, pollute the nation. This setting is strongly reminiscent of Nazi Germany and it's oppressive regime. The use of an dystopia in V for Vendetta is different to other similar dystopia films. V for Vendetta doesn't show a society in ruin, but instead shows an near-future, where everything looks like modern day life with a few changes, for example, huge screens in Piccadilly circus where Sutler gives his speeches and a curfew, where if broken, people can be killed.

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