Tuesday 25 February 2014


What was so significant about Jaws?

Jaws is a high concept film which means that it is similar to themes, narratives, characters, stereotypes, and structures that can be found in other films. For example, the film producers do not want to take risks financially whilst making their films, they don't want to alienate their audience at a risk of losing money over the films content which is why the use of the Classic Hollywood Narrative is so widespread.

Jaws is significant because it is the first film that can be considered a High-Concept film, and is the base of how the film industry creates blockbusters. Many films, even recent films today follow the same type of structure and themes (Fear, Death) in Jaws because it is guaranteed to interest people and create profit.

Outline the characteristics of a blockbuster?
A Blockbuster is a film that is a high concept film. It will have lots of advertising, merchandise and awareness surrounding the film. The film will be hyped up by the media until it reaches a point where it becomes an event film. It will have high profile actors, maybe a high profile director. If it is a sequel or a prequel, it will have iconic moments. A blockbuster film would also be distributed by a popular distributor so that the film is widespread as possible. It won't be an independent film and it wont take any risks financially with the film's content.

What caused the summer blockbuster?

What caused the summer blockbuster?

The film 'Jaws' was the first high concept film. A high concept film is a film that has been hyped up via trailers, adverts, posters, merchandise, promotions, and audience word of mouth. People saw the film Jaws as an event, spawning the term of 'Event film'.

The high concept film structure influenced the film industry's and how they produced films. They decided to start producing films for people with an emphasis on promotion and merchandise and making the film a financial success. The summer blockbuster was built out of this. Films made solely to make money and putting narrative and storyline behind in terms of importance, instead focusing on special effects and animation. Summer blockbusters today still have the model of high concept movies because they are a tried and tested method of producing financially productive films, which is even more important considering the economic state of today.

My opinion on summer blockbusters

In my opinion, summer blockbusters are a negative aspect of the film industry. The industry produces more and more films with less attention to story, character development and more attention to special effects and 3D. The industry makes money of the casual film-goer who just wants to be entertained and enjoy a film. However, for film fans, the lack of story and the abundance of blockbusters means it might make it difficult for other films with emphasis on story and characters to be recognised or financially successful when there are so many similar summer blockbusters. This doesn't necessarily reflect negatively on the film industry but maybe more on the audience attending these films?

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Mis-En-Scene for Four Lions sequel script

Location:  Field, needs to look like a traditional british countryside field
Shed, darkly lit- needs to look intimidating-

               George- White stereotypical muslim robe, sandals, turban (wrapped up towel)

               Dad- west ham t-shirt (old), jeans trainers,

               Land Owner- jacket, cap, muddy trousers, glasses,

               Anders- camo jacket, badges, trousers, military boots,

Props- bag, tripod, camera bag, tape measure, shovel (toy one), wires attached to a bottle (bomb prop), pliers, screwdriver, compost , scrap metal, pistol or a knife.

Lighting- realistic lighting for exterior shots, dim lighting for the shed